Africa Mission Trip 2023 Update
August 25, 2023, 3:00 PM
Africa Mission Trip Update
Our Executive Director Wayne King reports that things are going well on the first part of our recent mission trip to Africa.
This major teaching and training trip involves two East African countries - Tanzania and Kenya.
Wayne has been joined by Ivan Spencer, minister at Fox Creek Christian Church (Lawrenceburg, KY) (pictured left) for the first portion of the mission trip in Tanzania.
Wayne and Ivan have been busy preaching, teaching, and doing seminars and house-to-house evangelism in Mbeya, Songwe, and Kibaha.
Ivan will return to the USA on August 29, but Wayne will travel north to Kenya. Wayne will return to the States on September 14.
Please continue to keep this project in your prayers over the next few weeks. We are excited about what God is doing in both Tanzania and Kenya!
THANKS again for your prayers, support, and encouragement.
In Him,
Greg Herriford
Development Director |