Mission Trips

"Go With Us and Meet Real Needs!"


Since 1985, we have sent over 8,000 participants on work & evangelistic mission trips to over 40 countries.

These volunteer teams have helped start congregations, built many church buildings, repaired children's homes, schools, and homes of the elderly, and helped victims rebuild from hurricane damage. They have preached, taught, witnessed through music and word, baptized and strengthened young Christians, and encouraged missionaries in many countries.



Contact us for pricing and specific dates on trips!

  • Current Stateside Opportunities: Eastern Kentucky (Appalachia)
    • Home repairs and needed distributions to families in need; helping churches with VBS, worship, and witnessing.
  • Current International Opportunities: Belize (Central America) & Guyana (South America)
    • Cross-cultural evangelism & discipleship; helping with church planting efforts; also helping with VBS, medical clinics, and youth/music/sports camps.


"Why Work With Us on a Short-term Mission Trip?"

It makes PERFECT sense.

by Tommy Baker (Mission Journeys Advisor and Executive Minister, First Church of Christ/Burlington, KY)

P – Preparation
We can arrange to send each coordinator to the mission location (at no cost to the coordinator) before the trip to make plans and meet the host missionaries.

E – Experience
We try to give coordinators (leaders) every benefit of our 40 years of experience and hundreds of mission trips.

R – Reputation
We offer the confidence of a good reputation for your team members. Our teams are known on the mission field for being hard-working, people-oriented, and responsible.

F – Focus
We can save you the hassle of bookkeeping, sending out statements and billings, and working up a budget for the entire operation (food, transportation, lodging, utilities, setup expenses, materials, etc). In addition, we can provide your team with materials to help with fundraising, devotion books, and t-shirts. This allows the coordinator (team leader) to focus on team building.

E – Expectations
We check out mission locations carefully, sending your team to a place where the need is real and the Lord’s work is promising.

C – Cost
We give your team members ONE PRICE. It’s adequate to cover everything the team will do from Pack Day to returning back home. Your people will not be hit with additional charges such as restaurants, transportation costs, lodging, etc, IN ADDITION to their trip price. Our price covers all group expenses budgeted for the trip, but not individual expenses such as souvenirs, postcards, personal snack items, etc.

T – Training
We train our coordinators with tools and knowledge for creating a great experience of service to God. Our office staff is just a phone call or email away to help answer any questions.