Tanzania is located in the eastern part of the continent of Africa. It has a very diverse population of nearly 60 million people. Within that population, there are more than 150 indigenous ethnic groups. Tanzania is one of the poorer countries in the world with primarily an agricultural subsistence economy.

Bible correspondence classes have led to ministry in 3 different countries!


2024 Highlights:

* A two-year college was started in Mbeya with approximately 20 students enrolled.

* We continued to help of the church in Kabaha to improve their church building.

* 3 baptisms through the Dar es Salaam street ministry.

* Funds were raised to purchase a car for Mbeya ministry.

In August/September 2024, we held a 49-day trip to Africa with seminars in Tanzania, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

TRIP Highlights:

* Over 50 baptisms and over 500 total people in attendance in 33 days of teaching.

* Provided 103 Bibles to people baptized, ministers, and people without a Bible.

* We taught in rural locations where the Gospel is greatly needed with Pastors and church leaders who have never heard of using the Bible as the only authority for teaching and preaching.