Africa Mission Trip 2024 Update
September 5, 2024, 11:00 AM

Mission Trip Update: Spiritual Harvest in Africa
Our Executive Director Wayne King reports that things are going well on the first part of our recent mission trip to Africa. You can read Wayne's updates below. Wayne will return to the States in October.
Please continue to keep this project in your prayers over the next few weeks. We are excited about what God is doing in this part of the world! THANKS again for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

In Him,
Greg Herriford
Development Director
UPDATE #1 - Wayne King (Thursday, August 22, 2024):
We have completed the first week of seminars in Africa. On August 16 and 17 we spent two days in Rwanda. We offered two seminars to this group: What is the Gospel? and What Does it Mean to be a Christian? We had 25-30 in attendance each day.
On August 18 we traveled to cross the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
While in the DRC, we will be doing training with two groups. The first group has met for three days, August 19-21. They were receptive to the seminar training. We offered four seminars to this group: What is the Gospel? What Does it Mean to be a Christian?, Spiritual Growth and Discipleship. We had 50-60 in attendance each day.
We have started to provide Bibles. The first Bible was given to our taxi driver. He was super excited to receive the Bible.
We gave an audio Bible to a blind woman. The next day you could see her throughout the day listening to scripture.

-- Wayne
UPDATE #2 - Wayne King (Tuesday, September 03, 2024):
We have completed three weeks of our seven-week trip to Africa.
August 22-24, we completed three days of seminars in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), with around 65 in attendance each day.
August 25-27 was all travel, to get from the DRC to Rwanda, Rwanda to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Dar es Salaam to Mwanza. 
August 28-29, we did two days of Seminars in Shinyanga. We taught What is the Gospel?What it Means to be a Christian? and Spiritual Growth.  We had approximately 30 present each day and the seminars were well received.
August 30-31, we did two days of seminars in Mahaha. We offered What is the Gospel? and What it Means to be a Christian?
The seminars were well received. We had around 14 present each day and seven were baptized
September 1-2, we did two days of seminars in Kahanara with over 60 present each day. We offered What is the Gospel? and What it Means to be a Christian? The seminars were well received, and we had 20 baptisms.   
Bibles were presented to all that were baptized. They were excited receiving their Bibles. 
Where we are in Tanzania is very rural and literacy is low. We are spending additional time making sure they understand the lesson being taught.
All your prayers are much appreciated.

-- Wayne