April 2024 Update
April 26, 2024, 4:00 PM

From the Executive Director:
Greetings! I hope and pray that all is well with you and your families.
It has been a busy spring so far.

We've already made two mission trips this year to Guyana, South America (January and April).
I will leave for the Philippines on Tuesday, April 30, returning to the United States on May 22.
Please pray for that trip and the teaching to be involved!
Mission Journeys is currently working in Appalachia in Kentucky and Belize in Central America.
In addition, Global Bible School (GBS) is working in six countries: the Philippines, Kenya, Guyana, Zambia, Tanzania, and Pakistan.

In Christ,
Wayne King
Guyana Trip - April 03-10, 2024:
The second mission trip this year to Guyana, South America, took place April 03-10, 20234 The team worked with Brother Dennis Bender and the Alness Revival Christian Church.
Highlights Included:
- Patti & Bill Poczatek led medical clinics that served over 100 people.
- Wayne King preached on April 07 and led classes on the Restoration Movement for 3 nights.
Update from Chuck Perry:
It wasn't the news we had hoped for!
I now have cancer cells in the liver, and the spots are back in the lungs; bigger and more numerous.
We started on April 3rd a different type of chemo treatment, which will last 1 day rather than the 3-day plan previously. It will be 3 treatments a month for 3 months and then more body scans. The liver issue explains why I have been so tired, listless, wanting to lie down and appetite loss.

We still believe God is not through with us yet but is in charge.
Continuing prayers and support, please.

We will try to stay as active as possible. I look forward to teaching from the book of Titus to Bluegrass IronMen on Saturdays @ 8 am, April 13 through May 18 @ the Mountain Christian Church - 203 E. Oak St; Nicholasville, KY. Join us if you can!
In Christ,
Chuck Perry
Please keep Chuck and Sherlan in your Prayers!

THANKS again for your help, prayers, and encouragement.

In Him,
Greg Herriford / Development Director