August 2024 Update
August 9, 2024, 3:00 PM

VBS in the Philippines:

Mission Journeys has supported several Churches with VBS programs in the Philippines. We helped with supplies, awards and food for the children and youth. This makes the second year we have supported VBS programs in the Philippines. There were five churches with approximately 470 children and youth participating.

In Christ,
Wayne King

Prayer Requests & Updates:

Wayne King:
Wayne leaves on Tuesday, August 13th on a 49-day, 3-country trip to Africa. The mission trip will involve being in Tanzania, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Charles King:
Wayne's father passed away last Saturday night (August 3rd) after a rather lengthy illness. Mr. King was a noted Koine Greek scholar in our brotherhood of churches having previously taught at several Bible Colleges. In recent years, he was an author and consultant to colleges seeking accreditation. With Wayne preparing to leave on a mission trip to Africa on August 13th, arrangements have been pushed back. There will be a celebration of life for Mr. King at Fox Creek Christian Church (Lawrenceburg, KY) on October 6th. Please keep all of that in prayer.

Chuck Perry:
Please continue to keep Chuck in prayer as he deals with cancer and continues to undergo chemotherapy. Chuck was able to preach this past Sunday (August 4th) at Corinth Christian Church (Lawrenceburg, KY). Chuck's wife Sherlan recently reported on Facebook, "The last 8 days Chuck performed a wedding ceremony, preached a funeral, and preached a sermon." Way to go, Chuck!

Mark Bord:
Mark has been a faithful member of Big Hill Christian Church (Richmond, KY) and a member of our board for the past few years. He had back surgery this past Monday (August 5th) at St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, KY. Mark and family are also in the process of moving to Huntsville, AL.

Dwight Shaffer:
Dwight passed away on Friday, July 26th at the age of 68. He was a minister of the Gospel for 49 years, serving churches in Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois. Dwight was a faithful supporter of Teen Mission/Mission Journeys for nearly all of his 49 years in ministry and served as a member of our board of directors for many years. Please keep his wife of 48 years - Jo - and the entire Shaffer family in prayer.