From the Executive Director:
Greetings! I hope and pray that all is well. It feels like February has flown by.
Did you know that we are currently serving in TEN different countries? This month (February), we feature one of our locations where some exciting ministry is taking place. See below to read more about what God is doing in the Philippines!
Your prayers and support are very appreciated. The work is growing and lives are being changed with your belief and help in sustaining the work of Mission Journeys and Global Bible School!
In Christ,
Wayne King
Where We Serve: Philippines
We’ve been in ministry here since 2010. Our focus is on the island of Leyte, the sixth-most populated island in the country. Our goal is to establish a ministry training school on the island.
* Vacation Bible School was held in five churches with over 470 children and youth in attendance.
* The new church plant in Gabas has increased in numbers, additional Bible studies, and the number of baptisms!
* Bibles were provided to new converts.
* Two prison ministries were supported with food, Bibles, and hygiene items. There have been several baptisms in prison!
* Wayne King taught two weeks of “in-person” classes. The courses taught were Old Testament Theology and Church History.
2025 UPDATE:
Wayne King is planning to be there in late April/early May 2025.
We are planning to graduate 4-5 students with Master's and/or Bachelor’s degrees in May 2025.
Positive conversations about starting a minister training school continue to take place.