July 2024 News
July 5, 2024, 2:00 PM

From the Executive Director:

Greetings! I hope and pray that you had a great 4th of July, and all is going well with you and your family.
The "Dogs Days" of Summer are upon us. As usual, we have a lot going on with Mission Journeys and Global Bible School!
We have a short-term mission trip wrapping up after a week of work and ministry in Eastern Kentucky. You can read more about it below.
The summer months are often a busy time with vacation and travel making it easy to lose track of some day-to-day things. Therefore, I pray that you will remember to stay faithful in your prayers for and giving to this ministry. We greatly appreciate it!

In Christ,
Wayne King

Eastern KY Mission Trip (June 30-July 06, 2024):

Mission Journeys has had a team working this week in Letcher County in Eastern Kentucky. The team is from Driftwood Christian Church in Vallonia, IN.
Letcher County was hit hard by the floods during the summer of 2022 and an organization called "Save His Sheep" is still working to help residents make repairs and rebuild.
Mission Journeys is working with "Save His Sheep" to coordinate where teams are needed most for the rebuilding after the flood.
The team from Driftwood Christian worked on a house trailer where the water ruined a floor in a bedroom and damaged the underpinning. The team replaced the floor and reinstalled the underpinning. The team worked well despite a few wasp stings and the high afternoon heat!

We are thankful for Driftwood Christian Church serving as the hands & feet of Jesus to share the Gospel & help those in need.


THANKS again for your help, prayers, and encouragement.

In Him,
Greg Herriford / Development Director