March Mission Madness
March 22, 2024, 1:00 PM
March Mission Madness:
God's work is ALIVE and WELL around the Globe!
Greetings to all from Mission Journeys – Global Bible School (GBS).
Across the United States during the month of March, exciting basketball tournaments are in full swing. Basketball, however, is not the only exciting thing that is taking place. God's work is on the move!
I am happy to report that Mission Journeys is presently active in both Appalachia/Eastern Kentucky and Central America/Belize.
In addition, GBS is currently working in six countries: Philippines, Kenya, Guyana, Zambia, Tanzania, and Pakistan.

You can read more about it in the article below!

Next month (April 03-10), I'll be making a return mission trip to Guyana, South America. That trip will involve a medical clinic and teaching on the Restoration Movement.

We have two teams scheduled to work in Eastern Kentucky this summer. One team will work on projects at Bethany Christian Mission (Wolfe County). The other team will be working in Letcher County, helping families recover from the flood of 2022.

Your prayers and support are very appreciated. The work is growing, and lives are being changed through your help in sustaining the work of Mission Journeys - Global Bible SchoolTHANKS once again!

In Christ,
Wayne King
News from our Mission Locations:
BELIZE - Mission Journeys continues to have a presence in the Central American country of Belize where Dan & Toni Underwood are in their 14th year of service. Dan reports that the ministry is going better than ever.
In Dan's words, the ministry in Belize is both "fulfilling and fruitful." The Underwoods work with a church in the village of Cotton Tree. The Cotton Tree Church continued to grow in 2023.
There were 10 additions - 8 baptisms (6 were adults) and 2 transfers. In 2024, the church has a goal of being able to ordain two men to serve as Elders/Overseers.
Please keep the Underwoods and the Cotton Tree Church in your prayers!
TANZANIA - In Dar es Salaam, the local minister has gone out into rural areas that are predominately Muslim and has started teaching English using the Bible as a text. We have helped with funds to produce an English brochure that has brought about two baptisms (pictured above).
ZAMBIA - The country is in a severe drought. Pray for rain to prevent starvation.
PHILIPPINES - The new church plant is growing and has had at least two baptisms recently. We've helped with a prison ministry to provide food, Bibles and hygiene items. Plans are in place for a trip in May. Two classes will be offered: Church History and Old Testament Theology.
PAKISTAN - Our local minister is working with enslaved people working in a brickyard. They struggle to find clean water (the picture above shows the type of the water they currently drink). The cost of a well is $1,500-$2,000.

THANKS again for your help, prayers, and encouragement.

In Him,
Greg Herriford / Development Director