November 2024 News
November 13, 2024, 3:00 PM

Guyana Trip Report:

Greetings! I hope and pray that all is well. We had three people (myself along with Patti and Bill Poczatek) travel to Guyana, South America, from October 25-November 1, 2024.
Patti and Bill led a three-day medical clinic that served over 110 people. The clinic offered medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, and other medical needs. Several home visits were made to assist those who could not come to the clinic.  Mission Journeys is thankful to Bill and Patti for their dedication to this work.
A one-day Women’s conference was held with over 100 in attendance. There were three speakers -- one of them being Patti Poczatek. They had a time of worship and prayer, along with the three speakers. The women who attended were excited about the outcome of the conference and plan on having one next year.
I taught on Spiritual Immaturity for two nights. This was well received and those in attendance expressed that the material was helpful in their spiritual growth.
We had a one-night informal meeting with the church's men at the Alness Revival Christian Church. Leadership was discussed, and the men expressed enthusiasm for continuing to grow in their leadership roles.

In Christ,
Wayne King

Remembering Brother Gene Welsh:
63 years of faithful ministry and our very first Board Chairman!

Brother Gene Welsh (age 89) passed away on Friday, November 8, 2024. A celebration of life service was held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, in Lexington, KY.

My friend David Welsh called and told me last Friday (November 8, 2024) that his father had passed away earlier that morning.
For many years, Gene Welsh passionately served churches in Kentucky, West Virginia, and North Carolina. He is survived by his beloved wife of 67 years, Mary Helen Shely Welsh.
Gene and Mary Helen had two children (sons: David & John). They both serve in ministry.
As I came to know Gene, I discovered that we shared a lot in common. We were both Lexington natives who loved the University of Kentucky Wildcats. In addition, we were both very involved (or would become involved) in several of the same churches and ministries.
Gene served as Senior Minister at First Christian Church/Lexington, KY (where I currently serve as Senior Minister) from 1968 to 1975 and was a graduate of the Lexington Christian Bible College that met at FCC in the 1950s.
While at First Christian in Lexington, he also served as the very first Board Chairman of Teen Mission, USA from 1970 to 1972. Teen Mission, USA, would later become Mission Journeys.
Gene was a great friend to me and always very supportive. I will miss him greatly!
However, he is now able to hear the Lord tell him, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" I can only imagine the eternal joy he's now experiencing!
In Him,
Greg Herriford / Development Director