October 2023 News
October 17, 2023, 5:00 PM
Mark your calendars and SAVE this DATE:
 Mission Journeys
End of Year Celebration

Sunday, December 03, 2023
2:30-4:00 pm @ First Christian Church
1305 Audubon Ave; Lexington, KY 40503


Enjoy Coffee, Desserts, and Music!

...HEAR an update from the Executive Director, plus the kickoff for our Appalachian Christmas Project & other exciting ministry news!

Admission is FREE!
[A love offering will be received to support the ongoing ministries of Mission Journeys and Global Bible School.]

Call -- 859/278-3202
Email -- missionjourneys078@gmail.com
Text -- 859/312-7622 (Greg’s Cell)

Chuck Perry Update

From Sherlan Perry (October 11, 2023):
Today was a CT scan and meeting with the surgeon and oncologist.
Pathology report: The margins around the tumor extracted tested negative for cancer. All 20 lymph nodes removed showed NO cancer. This means he will NOT need radiation, and further it is a major indication that the cancer did not spread. Also, they biopsied a place on his liver and that was negative.
CT scan looked great and the spots on the lungs (although they do not believe to be cancer) have shrunk even more.
Chemo starts again either October 30th or November 1st, but the blessing of that is no chemo during Thanksgiving week.
How many chemo treatments are left? 4
He weighs a scrawny 136 lbs. The surgeon prescribed him pills to help the stomach empty better and digestion run smoother. Even though he's eating great, he's not eating as much as the surgeon wants. So hopefully this plus his appetite pill = more eating = weight gain.
A total of 33 staples were removed between the last visit and today.

Please continue to keep Chuck and Sherlan in prayer!
Executive Director's Schedule

This includes dates, location, and what kind of activity Wayne King will be participating in:

October 22 Gardenside Christian Church (Lexington, KY) - Presentation on the work of Mission Journeys
October 29 @ Ninevah Christian Church (Lawrenceburg, KY) - Table to share materials and the work of Mission Journeys
November 05 - Leading a mission trip to Guyana, South America
November 12 @ First Christian Church (Lexington, KY) - Mission Fair/Sharing about the work of Mission Journeys
November 19 @ Choateville Christian Church (Frankfort, KY) - Preaching and presenting the work of Mission Journeys

If you know of an individual, Bible class, or church mission committee who is interested in learning more about the work of Mission Journeys, please let us know. Executive Director Wayne King would be pleased to present the ministry to your church/Bible class/mission team. You may contact him on his cell phone (502/330-7148) and/or his email (wayne.king1212@gmail.com).

THANKS again for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

God’s best blessings to each of you,
Greg Herriford
Development Director
Phone = 859/312-7622
Email = gherriford@gmail.com