October 2024 News
October 25, 2024, 11:00 AM

From the Executive Director:

Greetings! I hope and pray that all is well.
Fall is now upon us. Right now, we have a lot going on with Mission Journeys and Global Bible School!

I'm heading out very soon with a team to Guyana, South America. The plans are to go from October 25-November 1, 2024, to do a medical clinic and more leadership training. Please keep the team and trip in your prayers!

In Christ,
Wayne King

Servants With A Purpose:
20,000 meals packed for Liberia!

On Saturday, October 05, 2024, nearly 60 volunteers gathered at First Christian Church (Lexington, KY) to pack nutritious meals to be shipped to children and families struggling with hunger and malnutrition.

I am happy to report that volunteers packed just over 20,000 meals for the Psalm 82:3 Mission (www.psalm823.orgthat operates in Liberia, Africa. The mission's director Matt Lee had a chance to be on hand.
A big THANKS to Scatter Joy Ministries and Barbara Rendel for paying for the food supplies. Mission Journeys graciously sponsored the lunch before the packing sessions. Lifeline Christian Mission assisted us in the packing process. It was a TEAM EFFORT! Lord willing, we will be doing more events like this in the future.


Interested in Hosting a Meal Pack at Your Church?

Give us a Call. We can help facilitate!

THANKS again for your help, prayers, and encouragement.

In Him,
Greg Herriford / Development Director