• Preaching in the Congo (August 2024)
  • Flood Relief in Eastern KY (July 2024)
  • Driftwood CC team working in Eastern KY (July 2024)
  • Bible Students in Kenya
  • Bible Distribution in Pakistan
  • Baptism in Tanzania
  • Training Indigenours Church Leaders
  • Christmas Shoebox Project in Appalachia
  • Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


Greetings and THANKS for visiting our website!
Mission Journeys currently works in Appalachia in Kentucky and Belize in Central America. In addition, Global Bible School (GBS) is active in six countries: the Philippines, Kenya, Guyana, Zambia, Tanzania, and Pakistan.

Please look through the website and see what God is doing! We'd love to have you be part of it!

In Christ,
Wayne King -- Executive Director


  • Upcoming Mission Trip

    October 25-November 02, 2024

    Medical Clinics & Leadership Training in Guyana, South America

  • Impact Report & End of Year Celebration

    Sunday, December 01, 2024
    (3:00-4:30 pm)
    (1305 Audubon Ave; Lexington KY 40503)
    HEAR some exciting ministry news and kickoff our 2024 Appalachian Christmas Project!
    Plus...Enjoy Coffee, Desserts, and Music from JD Miller!
    Admission is FREE!
    [a love offering will be received to support the ongoing ministries of Mission Journeys.]
    Call - 859.278.3202
    Email - gherriford@gmail.com